Reflections II is the second in a series of meditation and worship instrumentals. Originally birthed by a need to have music playing during altar ministry, the Reflections series touched many people, who requested that it be made available. The combination of piano, strings and other instruments bringing together original compositions creates a serene, meditative atmosphere for worship. It is great for the quiet times in your home, times of prayer or even just to relax. It is also used by many churches for music to play during prayer times and altar ministry.
$15.00 US
Nobody Like You is a collection of prophetic songs that were created LIVE and "on the fly" during some of the worship services led by Timothy Byler. Often during worship, a "new song" emerges - written spontaneously and influenced by the Holy Spirit in that moment. After numerous requests for those songs, this album was compiled and edited for recording. It is live. It is edgy - one cut and one take.
Tracks include: We Cry Out For You, We Cry Holy, I Will Worship You, Almighty God, Nobody Like You, Only Your Presence Will Do and others.
$15.00 US
This is a collection of songs that reflect the journey of my life. Inspired by the influences of my father and grandfather the lyrics speak to lessons learned from two great men of God. More than that, they reflect the love that God has for us and offer worship to Him in that love.
Tracks include: The Journey Song, The Finishing Well, Desert Paradise, My Spirit Soars, Worship Medley
Captivated, and Drink From the Well.
$15.00 US
Worship is more than an action. It is a lifestyle. A true relationship with God is developed through that lifestyle of worship. Learning how to hear His heartbeat - His rhythm - is the key to living in harmony with God's presence.
$10.00 US
Hymns of Worship is a collection of timeless songs that have ministered to millions. These songs have been arranged in a fresh way, offering a soothing, meditative blend of sound that is conducive to relaxation, prayer and mediation. People who tend to "shy away" from "Traditional Worship" will find a new appreciation for these songs as their melodic notes fill the atmosphere with a soothing and worshipful sound. This is also great for corporate prayer settings.
$15.00 US
motivator - mentor - musician
Change is hard for most people. It is especially hard for people to experience cultural changes. It is even more so when that cultural change occurs in church. In this book, The Changing Church in the Unchanging Kingdom, Dr. Philip Byler explores the shift that the church is currently undergoing. He looks at how change occurs within the church overall. He examines how the church can maintain her strong moorings of faith and still shift to meet the needs of the current climate.
$15.00 US